Tugas PBO A - Technical Support System

Tugas PBO A kali ini yaitu membuat Technical Support System dengan BlueJ.

Nama : Ifta Jihan N
NRP : 05111740000034
Kelas : PBO A

Technical support system yaitu sebuah program untuk melayani problem dari para customer.
Class yang saya buat yaitu:
1. SupportSystem
2. InputReader
3. Responder

Source code:
1. SupportSystem
  * Class SupportSystem  
  * @author Ifta Jihan N (05111740000034)  
  * PBO A 08/10/2018  
 public class SupportSystem  
   private InputReader reader;  
   private Responder responder;  
    * Creates a technical support system.  
   public SupportSystem()  
     reader = new InputReader();  
     responder = new Responder();  
    * Welcome message and enter into a dialog with the user.  
   public void start()  
     boolean finished = false;  
       String input = reader.getInput();  
         finished = true;  
         String response = responder.generateResponse();  
    * Print a welcome message to the screen.   
   private void printWelcome()  
     System.out.println("Please tell us about your problem.");  
     System.out.println("We will assist you with any problem you might have.");  
     System.out.println("Please type 'bye' to exit our system");  
    * Print a good-bye message to the screen  
   private void printGoodbye()  
     System.out.println("Nice talking to you. Bye!");  

2. InputReader
 import java.util.Scanner;  
  * class InputReader  
  * @author Ifta Jihan N (05111740000034)  
  * PBO A 08/10/2018  
 public class InputReader  
   private Scanner reader;  
   public InputReader()  
     reader = new Scanner(System.in);  
    * Read a line of text from standard input (the text terminal),  
    * and return it as a String.  
   public String getInput()  
     System.out.print("> ");     // print prompt  
     String inputLine = reader.nextLine();  
     return inputLine; //A string typed by the user  

3. Responder
 import java.util.ArrayList;  
 import java.util.Random;  
  * class Responder  
  * @author Ifta Jihan N (05111740000034)  
  * PBO A 08/10/2018  
 public class Responder  
   private Random randomGenerator;  
   private ArrayList<String> responses;  
    * Construct a Responder  
   public Responder()  
     randomGenerator = new Random();  
     responses = new ArrayList<String>();  
   public String generateResponse()  
     int index = randomGenerator.nextInt(responses.size());  
     return responses.get(index);  
    * Build up a list of default responses from which we can pick one  
    * if we don't know what else to say.  
   private void fillResponses()  
     responses.add("That sounds odd. Could you describe that problem in more detail?");  
     responses.add("Okay. Tell me more...");  
     responses.add("I need a bit more information on that.");  
     responses.add("Okay, Don't worry");  



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