Tugas PBO A - Auction System
Kali ini tugas PBO A yaitu membuat Auction System.
Nama : Ifta Jihan N (05111740000034)
Kelas : PBO A
Terdapat 4 class yang saya pakai, yaitu:
1. Auction
2. Person
3. Bid
4. Lot
Source code:
1. Auction
import java.util.ArrayList;
* Auction.
* @author Ifta Jihan N (05111740000034)
* PBO A 07/10/2018
public class Auction
//The list of Lots in this auction
private ArrayList<Lot> lots;
//The number that will be given to the next lot entered
private int nextLotNumber;
public Auction() //create a new auction
lots = new ArrayList<Lot>();
nextLotNumber = 1;
//Enter a new lot into the auction
public void enterLot(String description)
lots.add(new Lot(nextLotNumber, description));
nextLotNumber++; //description. A description of the lot
//Show the full list of lots in this auction
public void showLots()
for(Lot lot : lots)
//Make a bid for a lot
//A message is printed indicating whether the bid is succesful or not
public void makeABid(int lotNumber, Person bidder, long value)
//lotNumber. The lot being bid for
// bidder. The person bidding for the lot
// value The value of the bid
Lot selectedLot = getLot(lotNumber);
if (selectedLot != null)
boolean succesful = selectedLot.bidFor(new Bid(bidder, value));
if (succesful)
System.out.println("The bid for lot number " + lotNumber + " was succesful.");
//Report which bid is higher
Bid highestBid = selectedLot.getHighestBid();
System.out.println("Lot number: " + lotNumber + " already has a bid of: " + highestBid.getValue());
//Return the lot with the given number. Return null if a lot with this number doesn't exist
public Lot getLot(int lotNumber)
{ //lotNumber. The number of the lot to return
if((lotNumber >= 1) && (lotNumber < nextLotNumber))
//The number seems to be reasonable
Lot selectedLot = lots.get(lotNumber-1);
//Include a confidence check to be sure we have the right lot
if (selectedLot.getNumber() != lotNumber)
System.out.println("Internal error: Lot number " + selectedLot.getNumber() + " was returned instead of " + lotNumber);
selectedLot = null;
return selectedLot;
System.out.println("Lot number: " + lotNumber + " does not exist.");
return null;
// Close an auction. Print the final status of each lot
public void close()
System.out.println("Closing auction.");
for (Lot lot : lots)
System.out.println(lot.getNumber() + ": " + lot.getDescription());
if (lot.getHighestBid() == null)
System.out.println ("No bids for this Lot");
Bid highestBid = lot.getHighestBid();
System.out.println(" sold to " + highestBid.getBidder().getName() + " for " + highestBid.getValue());
2. Person
* Person.
* @author Ifta Jihan N (05111740000034)
* PBO A 07/10/2018
public class Person
private final String name;
//Create a new person with the given name.
public Person (String name)
this.name = name;
//return the person's name
public String getName()
return name;
3. Bid
* Bid.
* @author Ifta Jihan N (05111740000034)
* PBO A 07/10/2018
public class Bid
//The person making the bid
private final Person bidder;
//The value of the bid.
private final long value;
//Create a bid
public Bid(Person bidder, long value)
this.bidder = bidder; //bidder. who is bidding for the lot
this.value = value; //value. The value of the bid
//return the bidder
public Person getBidder()
return bidder;
//return the value of the bid
public long getValue()
return value;
4. Lot
* Lot.
* @author Ifta Jihan N(05111740000034)
* PBO A 07/10/2018
public class Lot //class to model an item (or set of items) in an auction
//A unique identifying number.
private final int number;
//A description of the lot
private String description;
//The current highest bid for this lot.
private Bid highestBid;
//Construct a Lot, setting its number and description.
public Lot (int number, String description)
this.number = number; //The lot number
this.description = description; //A description of this lot
this.highestBid = null;
//Attempt to bid for this lot.
//A succesful bid must have a value higher than any existing bid.
public boolean bidFor(Bid bid)
if (highestBid==null)
//There is no previous bid
highestBid=bid; //A new bid
return true; //return true if succesful
else if (bid.getValue() > highestBid.getValue())
//The bid is better than the previous one.
highestBid = bid;
return true;
//The bid is not better
return false;
//return A string representation of this lot's details.
public String lotDetails()
String details = number + ": " + description;
if (highestBid != null)
details += " Bid: " + highestBid.getValue();
details += " (No bid)";
return details;
//return the lot's number
public int getNumber()
return number;
// return the Lot's description
public String getDescription()
return description;
//return the highest bid for this lot
public Bid getHighestBid()
return highestBid;
Hasil Output:
Class dari project saya
Memasukkan nama orang yang ingin menjadi bidder
Memasukkan barang yang akan dilelang
Memasukkan harga yang ditawarkan oleh person1
Ada yang ingin menawarkan harga lagi, yaitu person2
Lelang ditutup
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